
A few more things to stir the creative juices

I thought I’d put out another collection of tidbits I ran across that give me ideas of things I might want to do or create. There are lots of other preoccupations in my mind besides these, but I prefer to collect the ones worth keeping around

Links for 15 January 2021

Dolomites #003

Like most people, I like roaming around the web looking for cool things, and sometimes get the feeling that I’ve run across something worth bookmarking, something I want to mull over in the future. Some of them are worth saying a few words about, and I was thinking I would put these up on the blog in hopes that someone might find them fascinating too.

I keep my eyes wide open all the time

Rain puddle
© publicdomainpictures ID 91785348 | Dreamstime Stock Photos
  • Predictive text parody sites produce a Trump White House exposé and a lifestyle website
  • I haven’t investigated much into how this Amazon money laundering scheme makes sense for whoever is running it, but it seems like a way to generate profit with little effort.
  • Is this really a good name for a shoe brand? Seriously?
  • Data is king. Here are numbers for violent crime incidents in large and small cities around the country.
  • Quincy Jones obviously doesn’t need to shade the facts at this stage in life.
  • When you need a random number generator but lack resources, you come up with ways to improvise

See something, say something

High speed highway
© creativecommonsstockphotos ID 92160937 | Dreamstime Stock Photos

I’ve been keeping an eye on the some items that

  • Something on a little bit of fossilized legal speech you have probably heard at some time.
  • In my past life I did a few years of work on neutrinos, enough to find it that something as small as the Earth could manage to absorb them when conditions are right.
  • True life crime can be more crazy than what thriller writers think up. The story of Susan Kuhnhausen.
  • You can search for any term you like in the Trump Twitter Archive to find out what our leader has opined on the subject.
  • Some of these trilobites look ready to get up and swim around.
  • I could watch these traffic intersection simulations
for far too long. * Here is an exhaustive set of metrics on where to spend your [retirement](https://wallethub.com/edu/best-and-worst-states-to-retire/18592/#main-findings) around the U.S. Some of the scores I find disappointing. * I am of the right age to know about the [B-sides](http://www.slate.com/articles/podcasts/hit_parade/2018/01/how_does_a_b_side_become_a_chart_topping_hit.html) they're talking about in this podcast, but not obsessed enough to know the right answers to the trivia questions.

I actually had a few more, but these are the best.

Kind of great

Tic tac toe beads
© creativecommonsstockphotos ID 89250373 | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Instead of passively consuming the nearly endless stream of content coming my way I thought I’d gather together a few items to share with everyone here.

  • Forty-nine years ago this happened:
* I particularly like this polyphonic visualization * We were moved when we saw the remnants of the Berlin Wall last October, so I was pleased to see the site for the online [memorial](https://www.berliner-mauer-gedenkstaette.de/en/) * It's been over two decades since I was passed over for tenure but the feelings this left behind are still pretty much as fresh as what I see in [this account](https://www.chronicle.com/article/a-professor-and-his-wife-on-absorbing-the-shock-of-tenure-denial/) of the experience. I wrote an account of my own experience [on Quora](https://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-be-denied-tenure-as-a-professor/answer/Richard-Magahiz?srid=XXIY). * Along the same lines as the tongue in cheek stories of [The Codeless code](http://thecodelesscode.com/contents) (unfortunately no longer live on the web) are [The Unix Koans of Master Foo](http://web.archive.org/web/20180305224708/http://rationalfiction.io/story/the-unix-koans-of-master-foo) * [Psychological safety in operations teams](https://www.usenix.org/system/files/login/articles/login_winter17_09_looney.pdf) * This blog post was inspired by [52 things I learned in 2017](https://medium.com/magnetic/52-things-i-learned-in-2017-d9fb0040bdcb)

What I've done

Jelly Boats

Here is a list of what I have put together or worked on for some significant amount over the last couple of years on the job.

  • Monitoring will get its own post eventually.
  • We migrated from a single service which ran on a single instance in Classic EC2 to a half dozen services running in separate VPCs, each with autoscaling instances behind an elastic load balancer to provide high availability. Getting all the plumbing on this right was a major effort.
  • We also shifted our configuration management system from exclusively Puppet at first to Chef, where we could take better advantage of community-written cookbooks, and then brought
  • Wrote an automation script which packaged service config files into a Debian package which would simply be pulled into a new instance like any other versioned package.
  • Worked on a couple iterations of an ELK stack in order to accept logs and structured data
  • Prototyped a stack which used Amazon IoT, Kinesis Firehose, DynamoDB, and S3 to accept mobile data streams and store them for business intelligence. The components were held together with Simple Notification Service and Lambda functions in a serverless fashion.
  • Hacked out numerous one-off scripts in bash and Ruby to automate the recurring maintenance chores in our environments. For instance we needed something to clean up user logins which were not needed any more, scripts to take reference snapshots of volumes for safekeeping, and so on.
  • Worked on some scripts to transfer information from our services to a data warehouse running on Amazon Redshift (so-called ETL scripts) so we would have an analytics service for our own use.
  • Migrated some administrative tools off of dedicated virtual machines onto containers which would run under Rancher. The idea was that we could pack a bunch of light-duty tasks together on a cluster of instances which would run the same workloads with much higher density, reducing costs and maintenance.
  • Wrote a simple Sinatra app which would gather information from our environments (addresses, instance IDs, running state, and so on) and display them in a tabular format. This saved me a lot of time switching between different dashboards and running things through the command line interface just to keep things oriented.
  • Kept track of our hosting costs in order to find out where we could benefit from terminating instances or phasing out legacy services.

Hosting a Hugo generated blog on Netlify

Hugo logo Netlify logo

It took me a while to get this blog running properly and I think I should record what I had to do in case I need to refresh my memory sometime. I’ve had plenty of before including one which started out as a statically generated one (in a Python script I hacked together). Things have changed now and I wanted to do something that didn’t have so many tiers to it, just a simple virtually unhackable set of static HTML pages that can be hosted somewhere with a content distribution network.