
Writing update 2024 (2/4)

Halfway through the year I’ve been happy to continue with the run of surreal micropoetry month by month along with some longer pieces in Star*Line, Dreams and Nightmares, and Sein und Werden. Even better was to see my first piece to appear in Eternal Haunted Summer – a short prose piece with mythic resonances. My poem [it is not] which appeared in the Heliosparrow Poetry Journal last January was awarded a Special Award for Micronarrative by their editors.

Writing update 2024 (1/4)

Capture by Klaus Stiefel on Flickr The first three months of the year had the usual crop of surreal micropoetry and a few print and online publications of speculative poetry. I also participated in an in-person event for a book launch for the Delaware Bards Anthology of 2023 where I read the mainstream poem included in the volume. January “your planet’s not gone -”, The Creature of the Black Lagoon Is a FB Friend, and Thanks to dark energy - Star*Line 47.

Writing update 2023 (4/4) and results for the year

Capture by Jonathan Cutrer on Flickr I finished off the year with a whole bunch of poems online and in print. Here are the ones which were published over the last three months of the year. October I didn’t know the lights’d be so hot, Ode to aerogel, and Carcinisation – Star*Line 46.4 Ode to form rejection notes – Up Your Arse Poetica, ebook and print adapted neuroclaws, I think she likes me, and sea bottom: – Five Fleas From the tongue of a witness – Penumbric vol vii, issue 3 Chasing encaustics in the shallows – Dreams and Nightmares 125 Our teeming sea – Phantom Kangaroo Issue No.

Writing update 2023 (3/4)

Capture by terren in Virginia on Flickr July It’s only vacuum out there, Bouquets for post-humanity ,Open House, and Spar - Star*Line 46.3 Incoming message - Songs of Eretz Zoom reading, Arctic summer and Field of mustard, Sein und Werden, 1 July 2023 Live reading, Like the one - Baycon 2023, Birds of a Feather: genre poetry session, 3 July 2023 Tumbling from gravity - Five Fleas Message from your hive queen, - dadakuku August *Get used to it" – Mobius: the Journal of Social Change Volume 34, Number 3 Zoom reading of poems reprinted in the 2023 Dwarf Stars Anthology, August 4 and 5: “long story short, Most highly honored, and “sawdust protected our torsos”.

Writing update 2023 (2/4)

Capture by oatsy40 on Flickr April when the gotchaberries bloom again, - dadakuku True vacuum, Flying the Carboniferous, and Countup - Star*Line 46.2 “Century 31”,“triangles for lunch”,“curtsies to Dalmatia”, and “egoless at last” Five Fleas Sarafina’s Sparklicious Adventure, - Bewildering Stories 993 Finger guns salute, On your equipment, and Your color palette, 2011, Chrome Baby, Bairn 121 “true true true,” and “stacks of stolen kisses,” Five Fleas Rations rejected by angels, The sport of technocrats, London forgives the flaws in the telling, The mirror-backed cabinet in oak, A visit to Wernicke’s ineffable land, Location, location, location, and Cendrillon la belle, - otoliths

Writing update 2023 (1/4)

Capture by ken_mayer on Flickr I’m starting the new year off at a modest, steady rate but I know of a bunch more pieces which are due to come out in the next few months as well, so I’ll be announcing those soon. January "[she rises from the sea]," - Heliosparrow “by foxfire splints”, - dadakuku, 5 January 2023 “Project Primate Uplift” and Those before times, - Star*Line 46.1 *“offworlders” and “A Thing We Tell at Bedtime,” - Dreams and Nightmares “spattered with crankcase oil,” - Five Fleas February Oath - Uppagus, Issue 53 Howls thrown at a moon fifty years gone - Rat’s Ass Review, Spring - Summer 2023 *“Dry lab,” "[the crust bends]," and "[when these shackles]" - Five Fleas “Somebody blew up Mars” - Five Fleas Basho’s Pet Radish, - dadakuku “scorecard:,” Failed Haiku, Issue 87-1 March "[the crust bends]," “[when these shackles],” “Dry lab,” - - Five Fleas “The 8192 names of Fatima, - Contemporary Haibun Online, April 2023

Writing update 2022 (4/4)

Capture by Dietmar Down Under on Flickr I've been doing my best to close out the calendar year strong with this set of poems in print, some of which I had been awaiting for over twelve months. October Vacation postcards, The Mechanics of Silica Under Tension, Is Not-Is, Cataphract, and The doornail - Danse Macabre, 145 The Mothersong of Dame Polonia - Bewildering Stories, Issue 968 Cortege - Liquid Imagination, Issue 52

Writing update 2022 (3/4)

Publishing was a little slower during the rest of the summer into the beginning of Fall, though I am optimistic about a bunch of new pieces which will come out in the next few months. July Meanwhile, in this created corner - Star*Line 45.3 Winning Chess Brilliancies 2022 - Star*Line 45.3 When the Capital Fell - Abyss and Apex August God’s hooks - otoliths, Southern Winter 2022 and in print as Issue 66, part one Like the One - Bewildering Stories, Issue 962 “each bone” ubu, Issue 4 “her milk chocolate passport” - Five Fleas “that bone is no bone” - Five Fleas September brain goes gherkin (with John W Sexton) - Uppagus, Issue 53 “children duck their heads” and “transcendent skies the” - Five Fleas “helping Bob” - - Five Fleas “long story short” - - Five Fleas “sawdust protected our torsos” - Five Fleas “ink-splattered roughnecks” - Five Fleas “Edwina” - - Five Fleas “they are special guests” - Five Fleas

Writing update 2022 (2/4)

Here is the next group of my published work this year, another thirty titles online, in print, and even streaming audio. As in the last set, for the ones which appear between covers along with other items of fantastic poetry and prose, I’ve put up some images of how those volumes look. In among the fantasy and science fiction and surrealism there are a few mainstream pieces there, maybe on the edge of speculation.

Writing update 2022 (1/4)

Last year was my most active year when it came to having poetry appear in print. I was not sure whether I was going to keep up the pace this year, given the many distractions the world has been throwing at me, but as I look back at January through March, I can see that the results are actually coming in even faster. I have 28 pieces either online or in print which is more than half of my total for last year (51).

My 2021 Writing

Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash I had a good year getting my poetry published both online and in print, and I wanted to have a full list up summarizing what is out there for anyone interested. For those interested, I will start out by sharing a little bit of my experience producing poetry and having people read it. I was going to say that I don’t have any training in this, but in fact I did take one course in college from a young instructor where we learned about English poetic forms and turned in assignments based on what we found out.